
Dates Upcoming Events
June 29 Prayer Gathering
June 30 Help us move classrooms
July 13 Summer Blood Drive
July 16 Young Adult Outing—Movie at Wolf Trap
July 25 Youth Bowling

Prayer Gathering—June 29

Our Prayer Gathering will meet every other Saturday, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am in the church library. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, June 29th.

We began meeting on June 1st and plan to continue for at least over the summer and possibly beyond. It embodies the spirit of Matthew 18:20 - “Gather and there I shall be.” United in faith, we gather to seek God’s presence, thank Him for the upcoming Sunday Services, and intercede for the needs of our congregation and individuals. Let us unite our voices in prayer and experience the power of coming together as a community!

Everybody is invited. A special shout-out goes to newcomers as they begin their journey here – stepping into a circle where every voice counts and every heart connects. Join us as we ignite the flame of fellowship and lift our spirits in collective contemplation. It’s not just a meeting; it’s a moment of grace, a pause for peace, and a leap for love.

Help Us Move Classrooms!

Our two Open Arms classrooms in the lower level are moving upstairs this summer, and we need your help making that happen! Please stick around for a few minutes after the 11:00 service on Sunday, June 30th, to help move classroom items . . . from very light toys and boxes to small furniture pieces . . . from the lower level classrooms up to their new upper level rooms. And yes, we can use the elevator for furniture!

If we have a group of helpers, it should only take a few minutes to move everything up to where it needs to be.

Summer Blood Drive

Despite the inclement weather, our first blood drive in January was a great we are doing it again! Our Summer Blood Drive will be held in the Great Room on Saturday, July 13th, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. INOVA has a free t-shirt or other swag available to those who donate.

Visit Church Center for more information and the link to sign up. If you would like to volunteer your time by helping out at the drive, please contact Beth Lawall.

Thank you for helping us save lives in our community!

Young Adult Outing - Movie at Wolf Trap

Young Adults who are high school grads through 30ish are invited to join us on Friday, July 16th, to watch Ghostbusters under the stars with live music provided by the National Symphony Orchestra! A group will meet at Our Savior's Way at 4:30 pm to drive over and grab seats.

RSVP and get the link to purchase your ticket in Church Center.

Youth Bowling

Rising 6th-grade through graduated 12th-grade students are invited to join us for an afternoon of bowling after we finish VBS on Thursday, July 25th. We will leave OSW at 1:00 pm after tearing down the VBS decorations and go bowling at the Branch in Leesburg (click for Google Map). We will arrive back around 4:00 pm.

Please sign up in Church Center. The cost is $38 per person, which includes food, drink, shoe rental, and 2 hours of bowling. VBS volunteers pay half price. If you want to volunteer at VBS you can sign up here.

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Our Savior's Way Lutheran Church
43115 Waxpool Road. Ashburn, VA 20148