Here are some of the many opportunities to serve at OSWLC
Join a choir |
Provide meals for Homeless |
Volunteer with Social Ministries |
Food Delivery Ministry to Sunset |
Help with the children's ministry |
Join the Altar Guild |
Join the Choirs of OSW![](/images/serve/Choirs.png)
No experience needed—just a desire to praise God and worship through music! Practices are held on Wednesdays from September to May:
Handbell Choir - 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Homeless Shelter Dinners Volunteers Needed
OSWLC provides meals on the first Tuesdays of each month at the Homeless Shelter in Leesburg. We need assistance to provide meals to be dropped off no later than 4:30 pm on those days. All plates, cups, napkins and silverware are provided through the shelter.
Usually, we provide 40 to 65 meals, but in the winter months, we will prepare for 75 or more.
If you are interested in providing a meal and want more information, please contact
For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink" (Mt. 25:35a)
Food Delivery Ministry to Sunset
Food Pickup & Donation Ministry to End August 1st
After much prayerful consideration, OSW has decided to sunset our Food Pickup & Donation ministry effective August 1st. Please know that the organizations OSWLC partnered with are already working with other non-volunteer groups to ensure food will not be wasted and distributed to those in need after August 1st.
We would like to thank you and all of our volunteers for supporting and contributing to this ministry. We will continue to strive to make a positive impact in our community through serving Christ. For other volunteer opportunities including Rise Against Hunger, Angel Tree, Linus Project, and Homeless Shelter Meals, feel free to contact Social Ministries at
Peace Be with You,
Andie Wessell and Jessica Wessell,
Social Ministries Co-Chairs
Volunteers for Children's Ministry ![](/images/serve/sundayschool.gif)
As the children's ministry grows, we will need lots of help. If you feel gifted in the following areas and would love to help our kids to know Jesus, please reach out to
- Administration
- Age Specific Small Groups
- Creativity for Monthly Packets
- VBS Planning Team
- Decorating Team
Thank you!
Join the Altar Guild
We are looking for additional volunteers to join our Altar Guild team. This is a great opportunity to serve God while serving others by setting up communion for the congregation while working with other Christians. Our teams each serve no more frequently than once a month, and we ask for an initial commitment of one year.
If you would like more information, please contact Martie Dunnett at (703) 400-5372 or Beth Saunders at (804) 691-1868. Thank you for considering serving on our Altar Guild!
Volunteer with Social Ministries
We are seeking volunteers to make fleece blankets with the young people living at the Loudoun County Youth Services Center in Leesburg (formerly LC Juvenile Detention Center). We visit the Youth Services Center from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month.
Volunteers work with 11- to 17-year-olds, and the blankets made will be donated to organizations serving children in our community. Before volunteering, a background check must be completed.
Please contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions or to volunteer.